Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Week 3 Term 3 2010

Welcome to Week 3. There has been a change in Library time for this term. It is now on Monday after lunch.  The children have filled out a new timetable and if you haven't received it, it may be still in their reader bag. Spelling this week are words that make the 's' sound from  Thrass and M100 words (group 3 have a few extras thrown in).   Try and encourage the children to practise these each night rather than fill in their homework booklets all in one night. Spellingcity and wordsafari are good interactive websites for the children to have fun with whilst learning their spelling words. I would like the booklets returned to school each Friday so I can correct them and then they are at school for the new words the following Monday.
Swimming is going well and the children are enjoying it. A swimming cap is a good way to keep the hair dry and it reduces the amount of hairdrying time to a minimum.
The children are busy learning about how things work? I have suggested to the children to bring interesting toys or gadgets from home for show and tell ( that are not valuable or fragile) and explain to the class how they work. Edheads is a good website on the blog where children can go to learn more.
I am back on deck full time again so if you have any concerns or just want to touch base please feel free to pop in before or after school. Thankyou to those who have inquired after my injury. I feel a bit embarrassed that a simple fall can cause so much damage -  I must be getting old!!!   Michelle Bird

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