Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hi Guys, we will be having our Mother's Day Stall tomorrow. Could the children please bring their money in an envelop or wallet and bring a plastic bag to place the present in. I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend last week as we remembered Anzac Day . The children enjoyed making Anzac biscuits at school and many went back for seconds.
This week we are looking at 'th' words and we are studying Pattern in numbers. The children are busy working on their inquiry questions at the moment.
Thank you to all the wonderful parents who were able to fill in the gaps for Literacy over the next few days. We still need helpers for next Tuesday and Friday so if anyone is free and feel like filling in it would be greatly appreciated.


  1. Those Anzac biscuits look yummy and seems as though you had a great time making them. Way to go!!!

  2. Hope I get lots of cool presents, love Jennas mum.
